CLS™ Datalink™ Oil Analysis Program
There’s no better way to get an inside peek at how your engine is performing than to have the used engine oil analyzed. We offer D-A Lubricant Company, Inc.’s Controlled Lubrication Services (CLS™DataLink™).
D-A Lubricant Company is on the leading edge of big data management with its Controlled Lubrication Services DataLink program. Send in used oil samples and within 48 hours you’ll receive complete lab results, including trend data that can be used to extend service intervals and plan preventive maintenance.
The CLS DataLink online dashboard allows 24/7/365 access to reports. Testing will measure the presence of wear metals, dirt, coolant contamination, fuel dilution, viscosity, TBN, oxidation and nitration and Total Acid Number.
To learn more, click here to visit the D-A Lube CLS™DataLink™ website.
Give us a call today at (256) 831-1038 so we can help you up in your personalized oil analysis program.